Linggo, Hulyo 5, 2015

                                                             "Love Yourself "


       "Love everything about you" the main lesson that the video wants to portray. We as a person should be the first one to appreciate our imperfection by treating ourselves as a precious person that can be proud of because feeling happy of what we have leads to self fulfillment. Let's look ourselves  as a person that can be liked and loved by everyone  and a positive person that look his/her imperfection perfectly. We don't have to be shy but rather we must be proud of what and who we are because what we don't know is other person see and describe us as a beautiful person. Beautiful than what we think about ourselves.

Sabado, Hulyo 4, 2015

It's All About Me

                            " It's All About Me"

              A young lady with a simple dream. 

            I am Lovely Canubas Alcain currently living in Purok 4, barangay Bayabas Cabadbaran City. The only daughter of Mr. Eugenio and Josefina Alcain but due to a certain life changes I already have two young half brother because my mother already have another family. The very reason why I am a what so called product of a broken family.

           Their separation is my biggest motivation in life. It made me inspired to strive hard to achieve my life's desire. What make me feel this way is because I already accepted that this is the reality. That this is my life. I may not have a perfect family but still I threat my parents as my precious treasure because they raise me well and still they provide my needs. 

           What I really appreciate about my life is my courage to stand and fight every storm I faced. That despite every painful  trials I still win the game.

           Honestly, I am not already satisfied of  being me because deep inside I still want to achieve a lot of things. I want to know myself well and I want to learn how to accept myself as being me. I pursue to college  simply because I want to achieve my goals in life- to be successful, to widen my knowledge and to find answers to all my questions.

          Indeed I can proudly say I love my problems because without this I will never learn. Without trials I will never be strong and without challenges I will never be who I am.

          That's why in every life's adversities stand firm, be brave, smile and proudly say "challenge accepted."